In any language I love
this word, hope. Hope reminds me that what is now, or what was in the
past, does not have to be in the future. Hope means that things can
change, the world can change, people can change. For me hope forms a
central part of the gospel message. In Christ I have hope that I can
– will! – be transformed. Because of Jesus Christ I have hope
that this world has been and is being renewed and redeemed. My hope
is not in myself or my ability. My hope is not in the ability of
people to overcome all the problems of this world. My hope is in
Jesus Christ. But because of my hope in him, I have hope for this
world, for myself, and for the people of this world.
Hope does not deny the
reality of the problems around us. Hope does not put on rose-colored
glasses and pretend that everything's great. Nor does hope look
backward to some prior golden age, wishing hopefully that we could
return to that previous time. No, hope looks ahead with, well with
hope, that this world and the people in it will be restored to what
they were created to be. Hope does not give in to despair.
As I said earlier, I
believe that hope forms a central part of the gospel message. As
followers of Jesus Christ, we have hope not because of anything we
have done or can do, but because of what has already been done for
us. When I read the Bible, I see this message of hope popping up all
over, God reminding God's people that God will save them, redeem
them, transform their situation – even if that situation is a
result of their own sinful choices. God is a God of hope. Too often
this message gets drowned out in a pessimism that focuses on the
problems and the perceived increase in godlessness in our world. We
can become so busy telling people how bad it is (or how bad they are)
that we forget the hope that we have. And this hope is not just for a
future day when we will all escape from this hopeless place. No, the
hope we have is for this world and this life as well as the life
after this one. Paul wrote to the Corinthians that we are to be
pitied more than all people if we have hope only for the future life.
I think that the same could be said in reverse: we are also to be
pitied if we hold on to hope only for the life after this life. God's
power is at work in and through us here and now to bring about
transformation, to work out God's redemption and renewal of humanity
and this world, until the day when it culminates in the new heaven
and new earth.
I am reminded of a very
old Michael W. Smith song in which he sang:
When things get bad
and you can't stand to
It's time to read
To the end of the book.
Have we forgotten how the
story ends? We shouldn't, because if we do we lose sight of hope. Our
hope is sustained by what Jesus has already done and by the
assurances of Scripture of what God has yet to do. God's work, while
complete in Christ, is at the same time not yet completely fulfilled.
We know how the story ends, but the end has not yet come. Between now
and then, we can choose to focus on the problems of this sinful
world, or we can look in hope at what God has promised to do and
choose to join in that work. Personally, I prefer to focus on hope.
Pessimism and despair sink the spirit, but hope floats.
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