Friday, April 3, 2009

Lead Me to Peace

Some people are endowed with a deep, confident faith that never seems to waver. I, unfortunately, am not one of those people. When I look at the journey of my life I see that God has been teaching me to trust Him for what seems like forever. I can see growth, but there are certainly still days when I feel the worries piling up, threatening to bury me. The other day was such a day. I was struggling with some worries and issues that had come up that day and was feeling rather discouraged and a bit overwhelmed. The melancholic in me jumped up and began to paint my world in rather somber tones. But as I was driving Dietrich to his Rangers gathering we were listening to a Newsboys CD. The following words jumped out at me and took hold of my worried soul.

Lord I don't know where all this is goin'
Or how it all works out
Lead me to peace that is past understanding
A peace beyond all doubt

I began to sing these words out loud as a prayer (my son, thankfully, is used to me singing in the car!) and as I did so I began to experience the very peace for which I was asking. The Father spoke to my heart and reminded me that all things are in his hands, that I don't need to worry about today or tomorrow or any day at all because it's all in his care. The same song reminds us:

Oh Lord you are the author
Redeeming what's been done
You hold us in the present
And all that is to come.

This is not a new message from my loving Father. He has to remind me of this truth quite regularly. But I'm so thankful that he is willing to remind me over and over again. And I'm thankful that, although I don't know how this is all going to work out, he does. And as I trust in him I can experience his peace that passes understanding. What a wonderful God we have.

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